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Greetings... Will you PLEASE tell me what your thoughts are on sexual bias in local govt?

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MrMickeysMom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-13-10 01:07 PM
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Greetings... Will you PLEASE tell me what your thoughts are on sexual bias in local govt?
I've added this to my topic forums, not that I've never meant to...

First, I'm a newer, more progressive thinking member of a municipal govt holding an elected position as a councilwoman (3 out of 7 are women now, my entrance = the 2nd currently serving woman) Historically, the majority on council are men, no surprise. In 2008, I became aware that the 1st existing councilwoman who is at the end of her second 4 year term, was of few words or political will, and admitted her own harsh and manipulative treatment during her time serving. She is older, though that may not explain it well. Regardless, she appears to have no fight with a historical male compliment pushing their opinions in front of her own. I won't judge her further.

I decided to run as a newcomer and won a special election for my seat a little over a year ago. In 09 on top of that, I won the regular election, securing my seat for 4 years. In that 4 year race, a 3rd woman ran and won. She's as progressive as I seem to be, but the point is, she has what you should expect- independent attributes.

When I initially won the special election (surprising many) I spent much of my initial year defending lies about what kind of person I was, was left out of many lines of communication unless I asked "the right question", and tolerated at least 3 councilmen verbal abuse me (always on camera). One attack was described by those constituents as, "a verbal gang rape" to which I professionally and spontaneously did a good job defending myself. This actually worked against one member who ran for his 2nd 4 term and was defeated by another man who happens to act progressively and independently in thought. I thought we could at least have more balance and act accordingly. I also have no problem in my own political defense, as this is, after all, "politics". Having said that, I do not expect to be anyone's door nob or whipping "girl". The aggression toward me from last year's councilmen was unacceptable and still is, but it's taken a back seat, interestingly, due to the n-e-w-e-s-t woman on council.

On the way to my 4 year win, I talked with councilwomen who are now in their 70's about their terms "back in the day". To hear their accounts from 30 years back, it was painted as a male dominated, aggressive, non-inclusive pattern, but not quite as awful as happened with me. It's even worse now with "the newest woman".

There is no doubt in my mind that aggressive power of abuse is targeted to women. There is no check against the abuse by the head of council, because it INCLUDES the head of council, who is our m-a-y-o-r. This is something we need in times when economic turmoil abounds and we have to work together, right?

When a progressive candidate, this third woman, won her 09 election (totaling 3 women), she came into office at the same time as the newest and more progressive councilman (the one who defeated a man who treated me awful.) This new councilman is a breath of fresh air, also, thankfully, and it would seem now to balance the gender aggression. Interestingly, the troubling councilmen have made NO effort to target any abuse toward this fellow, which is interesting because he has come in with his own challenge to the status quo and wasted no time in expressing himself. Result = no words of aggression aimed at him at all, the body language is open, facial smiles, no talking over him... Not a thing that can be border abusive behavior by the other 2 or 3 (including the mayor). However, once again, there is newly and elevated aggressiveness, ending with more recent verbal abuse on camera, and as an added feature veiled threats to watch herself.

The general disrespect through behavior, especially by this mayor.... a colossal waste of tax payer's money in action.

If you stood outside our little circle of government, you might see it as control group in an experiment for a period a little over a year. I have lived through enough to confidentially state that our three newest members of council who have challenge the status quo are producing different affect of unprofessional abusive behavior, based on a gender bias.

Why does this phenomenon exist? DOES this phenomenon exist outside my assessment? Is this nothing more than a rhetorical question? I sure hope it isn't, because we need to encourage everyone to be involved locally. I must consider at the end of the day, it is real and wonder how prolific. I'd appreciate some feedback.

My question, since there is very little in the literature about this type of sexually biased behavior that anyone has been willing to discuss in local newspapers, is this: Is there anyone out there who has witnessed anything in local government that approaches a sexually bias aggressive behavior to women in local government (be it school boards, township meetings, councils on the municipal level)? How much press does this type of thing get without being "more politics"?

One more thing- I was encouraged to run for office in large part upon listening to nationally recognized individuals and political experts. They all encouraged citizens getting involved at the local level (all politics is local). Knowing that much of the locus of tax control is at the local level, and responsibility is not an easy thing, I went into this run with my eyes open. I knew it wouldn't be a piece of cake. I also have no intention to be pushed around, but to do what is right. It DOES make a difference. Therefore, I thick skin is a perquisite.

I'd like to think I could have input from anyone here with similar experience, or at least your advice under the general expertise of understanding gender biased situations.

I thank you in advance.

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havocmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-13-10 01:28 PM
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1. If local culture tends to put women as second class citizens, local politics will too.
Good ol boys rule around my 'hood, though the women do all the heavy work.
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MrMickeysMom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-13-10 05:40 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I realize what you're saying and appreciate it...
... none the less... validation in this environment might assist me in stopping it.

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noamnety Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-13-10 09:48 PM
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3. I almost never see it discussed in the press.
And I almost never see anyone discuss a woman in politics without treating her differently because she's female, and that includes on DU.

A few years back I had a post sort of about this, your phrase "verbal gang rape" reminded me of it - How women activists are silenced:

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MrMickeysMom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-14-10 12:11 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Right... this problem knows no boundaries...
social, or political. The example of Cindy Sheehan is a good one, because she has been absolutely demonized for asking Bush what her son had to die for. She made a lot of enemies and foot soldiers of her enemies continue to come out of the woodwork. Likewise, many people are threatened by the two strong women on our council. In the background, you hear a chorus of voices that say, "you go, girl", or "you take the high road", or "please hang in there."

If someone steps into the limelight, no matter at what level and they speak/don't stop asking questions/don't stop making others feel they must be accountable to a woman, many, many people (men and women behind the men who have the biggest problem) see us as just another woman activist, but they use different words, usually rhyming with "witch".

Stunning reality. So, I believe I'm here to choose to change my reality by exposing them when they do it. To accomplish this, I'll have to continuing doing my homework.

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