In a nutshell, because they think that domestic violence is just a man asserting his God-given domination over women?
It’s tempting to think the biggest scandal facing Sen. David Vitter (R), the scandal-plagued Louisianan seeking re-election this year, would be the prostitutes he hired after running on a conservative “family values” platform. But the Brent Furer controversy is proving to be every bit as interesting.
To briefly recap, Furer is the aide Vitter kept on his taxpayer-financed payroll, despite Furer having held his ex-girlfriend hostage, threatening to kill her, and attacking her with a knife. The right-wing senator knew about this, and not only kept Furer on his staff, but tasked him with helping oversee women’s issues for the office. Making matters worse, Vitter seemed to lie about this last week.
Women’s groups and anti-domestic violence activists aren’t pleased with the developments.
But what about conservative women’s groups? As organizations committed to gender equality grew in strength and influence years ago, conservatives pushed back with right-wing groups and leaders like Concerned Women for America and Phyllis Schlafly.