Edited on Mon Dec-05-11 12:50 PM by seabeyond
in a subjugated manner. in the past, religion was used. today, too many women do not feel inferior, incapable, unable. the independence and freedom is out of the bag, and woman cannot be shoved back in.
the pornification of our women and girls give the men another means to demean, degrade to the point of submissiveness.
the biggest hoot is to hear a girl say, stripping empowers her. she is naked and vulnerable, he is clothed. she performs for him. he holds out a dollar and taunts her with pay to degrade and demean herself more and more.
where is her power? who really has the power holding the $ in order for the gal to eat, pay bills or get her next fix? yet we continually repeat this for our girls.
if a woman or a girl dare speaks out against the pornification, their sexuality is then attacked. what young women, stepping into her sexuality wants to be preceived as a prude, pearl clutcher, anti sex, a sexual, jealous....
another hoot is hearing the men defend the stripper and prostitute in a manner that the woman is well respected. yes, she is providing a sexual service for the man, but really, he has the ultimate respect for her choice. but as soon as the conversation shifts from defending this gal, the men immediately go into conversation in the most vulgar, crude, degrading manner in talking about these very young women.
i was told this weekend the reason older women have problems with this is they are old. when i was younger, it was because i was jealous or a prude or asexual.
but that always ignores the many facts and reasons why this is an issue tht men and "pro sex feminists" refuse to listen to, let alone consider.
i read a thread this weekend talking about the "fundamentalists" that have issues with this continued pornification of women. i am not religious. so, how in the world could that be? common sense is not a factor. just shut up at all cost.