Mo does her point a disservice by front-loading the article with reams of evidence to support her argument that true egalitarianism is dead -- and obscuring her strident objections to this trend at the back of the article. I hate to think how many women will read the first half and then put it down. a single male, I think I can speak to this. Following the "trend" towards a coddling of the male psyche as portrayed in this article will indeed get you ladies a lot further... with assholes.
Now if you don't
want an asshole, ignore this article, except for the following point, which is made a few times in various contexts, but boiled down to its most Freudian basics in this quote:
"The hypothesis," Dr. Stephanie Brown, the lead author of the study, theorized, "is that there are evolutionary pressures on males to take steps to minimize the risk of raising offspring that are not their own."
This part is true, if a bit sexually myopic -- the real drive extends to ensuring access to influence the children's development, and ample resources to build a good future for them. A man who doesn't say upfront that he doesn't care and is just looking for a family life would be happy with just adopting (and they do exist, but are even rarer than me) is looking to be secure that they will actually be the father of any children. However, disempowering yourself to provide that security is complete overkill. All you have to do is not shy away from blush-inducing conversations about your beliefs on the importance of honesty and loyalty.
Incidentally this is a prime reason why having kids from a previous relationship is such baggage -- the guy will be thinking that there is a much greater chance you will not be interested in more.
The best advice I can offer here for catching a guy that isn't so much of an asshole that they cannot be saved is to actually read some of the old pre-feminism material not about "how to catch a man" but rather "how to choose the right man." Then gender reverse it.
If a man is going to enter a relationship where his career goals are secondary, he will have the same cautions that a traditional housewife had... he needs to know that he's going to be taken care of. That you are prudent, honest, principled, and understanding. This is a bit complicated because even if the guy is not a slight ass, there are still plenty of cultural obstacles that interfere with mens' ability to express these hopes and fears when considering such a relationship. That's still inescapable. But one of the whole points is to learn how to overcome those roadblocks.
(Actually the roadblocks work in both directions -- the woman also has to ensure she's not just acquiring a very expensive throw pillow for her living room couch, and the same questions that need to be addressed in probing this area step right on the nerves of encultured machoism.)
Anyway, two cents from a guy who pretty much does
not "like the hunt" and would much prefer a level-headed, enduring, freindship-based relationship. You won't find us by "playing hard to get" that's for damn sure -- we respect your privacy and autonomy too much intrude where we get hints that we are not welcome.
(I don't know if it's worth two cents -- obviously there are a lot more hopeless assholes out there than other types -- I can tell that just by driving on the highway for an hour -- so supplies might be limited.)