It's such an important point that I think that it needs to be the first point made. A shift away from allowing women to control what happens to their reproductive lives is simply rape. When you force another person to engage in a sexual behavior not of their choosing, that is rape. And with many of the women seeking Plan B being victims of rape to start with, the decision of so many doctors and pharmacies to further interfere with their decisions about their bodies is another rape. Such doctors and pharmacists perpetrate a rape even when the initial sexual act had been consensual. If a woman is looking for Plan B, she obviously doesn't want to engage in the sexual act of having a pregnancy. What next? Drafting women of child-bearing age to be forced to carry pregnancies from the legions of frozen embryos?
I have a friend who is the product of rape. She's nearing 50, but still loathes herself. While growing up, everyone who looked at her saw the face of the rapist in her face. A single act of violence destroyed the mental health of one woman, and brought another woman into existence to suffer unendingly. How else would someone feel who knows she was conceived, not from an act of love, but from an act of hate, an act of power, an act designed to humiliate and control? That rapist managed to set things up so that his rape continues to happen everyday through two lives--one act of violence, unending. Is that what Target and Walmart want to be part of?
Maybe there are a few women, a few families, who can counter the natural psychological harm to a child under those conditions, but that is something so difficult that only a woman who is sure she can provide a loving home despite the origins of the pregnancy should go through with it. It is not a path to be entered on lightly, and not a decision to be made by others. Shame on Walmart. Shame on Target. Every time they turn a woman away, they should have to take on the support of the child which may be born and the mental health care for the woman they are raping and her entire family. And maybe there are some executives, pharmacists, doctors, who ought to be facing prison time.
(Yeah, this pisses me off big time. Can you tell?)