There's an article by a writer who went "undercover" with a group tour to Ukraine for men who are looking for wives. (Can't provide a link, because Harper's doesn't put its content online till the following month.)
He was NOT impressed with his fellow tour group members, by and large, and thought their attitudes were quite retro. It was easy to see why these guys were having trouble in the States, because from what they said, I can guess that they sent off intensely angry vibes that any sensible woman stays away from. However, even such losers can do well in a country like Ukraine, where the economy is so bad that marrying some bozo and staying with him just long enough to get a green card sounds like a plan.
The author told of a gathering in one decrepit town attended by a large variety of Ukrainian women. He noticed that the men, most of them at least middle-aged, were chasing after the twentysomethings and thirtysomethings and leaving the women their own age standing on the sidelines. Of course, judging from the descriptions of the men, the older women were probably lucky that the guys ignored them.