Did you build them yourself? Because if you did? Bravo. No, really, bravo. You managed to turn the entire topic into a massive whine that boils down to "I don't like kids because sometimes I have to work extra because a kid got sick!" Not only did you manage to elevate your own petty selfishness (because, after all, if the sickness happens during normal business hours, then it is certainly and absolutely best for the kid, the parents, the company in question and society as a whole that they not get treatment until after the close of business. And what I particularly liked was how you turned your lack of social connections into someone else's problem. Because of course, we know that you would never need to take time off to help a friend or a lover or a parent or a sibling, etc.)
The term "breeders" was really good too -- you turn your own overblown sense of martydom and selfishness (and, yeah, it's selfishness -- cause I am pretty certain that in fifty years, your bad-ass geriatric self wont be complaining about the children of today taking care of you) and express it in a term designed to equate people who have children to livestock. I mean, wow. That was really amazing, the way you managed to be both insulting and amazingly self-pitying at the same time. You should be imagining the sound of a golf-clap right now, because, wow, that takes talent.
Almost as much talent as equating, umm, well, actually here you kinda lost me, because you just used limited personal experience to judge an entire class of people. Even or a fine, fine artisian of straw such as yourself, that's a bit of a stretch. You should really know your limits, my friend. Not even a consumate strawman constructor as yourself can really expect anyone to take you seriously when you cite your persoanl experience at a "practice" as justification for broad, sweeping generalizations than run counter to just about all scientific evidence available.
Good effort, though.
Now, if you want to join us in the real world for a minute: The kids you despise so much are the ones who are going to be driving the economy in just a few years. You will owe your continued economic well being to them very shortly (and if I have to go into detail to explain why, then you obviously don't have enough of an understanding of economics to be engaged in these kinds of discussions). You also seem to be under the misapprehension that everything is handed to parents on a silver platter, that corporate America and the government are designed solely for the benefit of parents. Which, if you thought about it, you would realize how much crap that is. The glass ceiling is not a myth, my friend, and welfare reform required mom to go to work while their kids spend 15 hours alone -- because there is no such thing as affordable child care, even for the middle class.
But to know that, of course, you would have had to manage to rise above your irrational and debilitating prejudice against kids (and, really, it's pretty bad. I hate chihuahuas -- miserable little rat dogs. but I don't obsess about how much of my vet's time is being spent on them) and actually think about how the world works. But, then again, since you are so, so good at building straw men, perhaps you think you should just stick with what you know.