I stumbled on this speech tonight, and with a mind toward some of the other discussions going on in this forum concerning men's roles in fighting for women's rights, and men's desire to tell women how they ought to speak about women's rights, or those who want to shift the struggle for women's rights to a discussion of their own feelings of defensiveness, I thought I'd link it here, as food for thought for men who feel threatened, insulted, hated, etc. by women "who, instead of begging pardon, demand justice." This is what it sounds like to be in solidarity with women, rather than in opposition to them.
And so, I bring you Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, Challenging Patriarchy and Violence Against Women.
...We choose. We choose to be here, to listen to and make echo (my bolding) for an injustice committed against women.
...In the assembly instructions for the merchandise known as “Woman,” it explains that the model should always have her head bowed. That her most productive position is on her knees. That the brain is optional, and its inclusion is often counterproductive. That her heart should be nourished with trivialities. That her spirit should be maintained by competition with others of her same gender in order to attract the buyer, that always unsatisfied customer who is the male. That her ignorance should be fed in order to guarantee better functioning. That the product is capable of self-maintenance and improvement (and there is a wide range of products for that, in addition to salons and metal and painting workshops). That she should not only learn to reduce her vocabulary to “yes” and “no,” but, above all, she should learn when she should speak these words.
There is a warranty included in the assembly instructions for the product called “Woman” that she will always have her head lowered.
... At home, in the fields, the street, the school, work, transportation, culture, art, entertainment, science, government. Twenty-four hours a day and 365 days a year. From when they are born until they die, women confront this assembly process. ...
I can't quote enough of this here to convey fully what it is, but please, follow the link.