How can you tell if a man has Irritable Male Syndrome?
A: You ask him to pass the salt, and he yells, "Take, take, take—that's all you ever do!"
These little zingers, which appeared in London's Daily Mirror, illustrate some important aspects of what many men, and those who must live with them, are experiencing these days. First, it seems that stress has become a normal part of modern life and more men are taking out their frustrations on those who are closest to them. Second, men's irritability, blame, and anger seem excessive and more explosive. Ask a guy an innocent question, and he jumps down your throat. What's going on here?
For some men, this kind of irritability has come on slowly over a period of months and years. For others, it seems like someone has flipped a switch and Mr. Nice has turned into Mr. Mean. "God, it's like he's hormonal," one woman told me. When I told her she wasn't too far from the truth, she snapped back, "I knew it."
Since I began my study of this subject, I have received thousands of letters from men and women describing their experiences. What follows are typical of what women and men have told me.