"It's time to admit that the subordination of women perpetuates the very conditions of repression and violence liberals abhor."
Latin: liber
Meaning: free
English words: liberate, liberal, liberty
The multi-disciplinary Liberal Arts major fell out of fashion about the time International Business majors exploded, about the time Big Brother Limbaugh was gearing up his phony talk show program to demonize "Liberals" and dumb down the national IQ. Even some liberals may not realize how thoroughly the Dittohead mentality (and spitefulness) has permeated the culture... (culture being something that Liberal Arts majors used to study).
Even some liberals may not realize that they ARE liberals, just as many young women don't associate their own egalitarian attitudes with "feminism" -- another word misappropriated by Limbaugh, catapulting the toxic bullshit.
Words used to mean something, way back when (another word derived from Latin "liber": library, a place where books are stored and read). These days, words are often weighted not with meaning, but with their power as blunt force objects. Generic media, political propaganda and professional hatemongers create an atmosphere of confusion, relieved by disembodied "discussions" via computer screens, where limited reading skills and intentional troublemakers add more turds to the punchbowl of disinformation, frustration and disconnection.
"Liberal" used to be associated with informed, open-minded, tolerant behavior. The liberal arts were multi-disciplinary, encompassing different points of view, the perpetuation of culture and development of "lifelong learners," as they were called.
It's much simpler to be a Dittohead, to be told what to think in black & white, to be told how to think about what you're told to think about, to be told what others -- "LIBERALS!!!!!!!" -- think, as if that IS what they think......... It's easier, it's addictive, it's a quick release for all the pent up rage and confusion to just say MEGADITTOES. It's so easy to be led, to be told what to do.
It takes a bit more energy to consider and think clearly for oneself. If we are liberals, we might honor each other and our common cause by taking a moment to read -- or even reread if necessary -- and think and show some respect to each other before flying off on wild and violent tangents triggered by mistaken assumptions that a single reference is an indictment of of ALL "_______," ALL the time, forEVER and EVER, aMEN. That would be fundamentalist thinking, not liberal at all.
To use authoritarian bully behavior against each other is to TRULY insult "liberals."
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=389&topic_id=1926760Media Manipulation
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=229&topic_id=7894&mesg_id=7894Liberal Denial
http://www.alternet.org/story/63349 "What we're dealing with are old patterns. The fact is that the view that women are put on earth to service men is our inheritance from times when the "natural order" was the ranking of man over woman, man over man, race over race, religion over religion, and nation over nation."
"It's high time to stand up against images sexualizing the degradation, humiliation, domination, torture, and even killing of women. It's time to ask why liberals who would run to court to ban images degrading members of a different race still think degrading members of a different sex is OK. It's time to admit that the subordination of women perpetuates the very conditions of repression and violence liberals abhor."
It's time to read past the first sentence or the first word that sends “you” into a blind rage that “you” "can't read past."
It's time to admit that we have a right -- the LIBERty -- to discuss issues of our choice, without asking permission for what male authority considers "productive" or "legitimate." To prevent us from doing so is to deny us that liberty, it is to CENSOR us, to subordinate and try to repress US ... in an abusive, misguided, supposed defense of "liberals."
So please, take a breath and read carefully -- even reread if necessary:
"It's time to admit that the subordination of women perpetuates the very conditions of repression and violence liberals abhor."
Here's to the liberal arts, here's to liberals. Here's to reading deLIBERately to understand the meaning instead of automatically assuming something means what we already think (that's Dittoheadness). Here's to liberally giving each other the benefit of the doubt, allowing discussion to flourish rather than censoring it. Might even learn sumthin.
Here's to including women in the discussion, the party and the process, instead of driving women away.
Women's issues are the key to unlocking the straitjacket of authoritarianism that is destroying us.
Maybe that's why the issues seem, to some, to be so volatile. In order to use that key, we can't run away from the discussions about the issues or from women’s liberty to have those discussions.
Or it will be Megadittoes, ALL the time, forEVER and EVER, aMEN.
edit: corrected link