Remember, I previously posted about this disgusting ad Linux Journal had in their magazine - NOT only back in 2000, but again recently
AFTER they said they wouldn't run it again. Here's my previous post about their 'blowjob' ad:, Linux author / guru Carla Schroder takes the clueless magazine to task - after trying repeatedly to contact them directly about the ad - to allow them SOME sort of response (they typically NEVER did respond to NUMEROUS complaints about the ad from women AND even some male readers in the industry): Linux Journal: How Not To Run A Business
Posted by tuxchick on Oct 1, 2007 9:29 PM
LXer Linux News; By Carla Schroder
LXer Feature: 01-Oct-2007
I have to wonder- where on Earth did Ms. Fairchild get the idea that alienating her customers is a good business practice? So what if she finds sexist, demeaning humor funny? It doesn't belong in Linux Journal. I paid my subscription money in good faith for many years, trusting to receive good Linux articles. If I want to read about blowjobs or read about how helpless and stupid women are, I don't expect to find it in Linux Journal. There are abundant sources for that elsewhere.
Here we are at the sad, sorry end of our Linux Journal saga, with an unhappy conclusion. (Please see the links at the end for the previous articles in this series.)
Here is a synopsis of our story so far:
* The August 2007 Linux Journal ran a full-page blowjob ad that understandably upset a number of people
* A number of folks, including me, wrote to the publisher and senior editors of Linux Journal to let them know we were not amused, and requested a public apology. Because not only was this particular ad incredibly offensive and ill-advised, Linux Journal has a long history of portraying women in insulting, offensive ways, both in ads and editorial content. Enough is enough
* We were met with absolute silence. LJ has a long history of ignoring readers who complain about these things, so it wasn't all that surprising
* So more of us wrote to the publisher and staff, saying that the courtesy of a response would be nice, and we still wanted an apology
* Still nothing
* So then a number of people, including me, criticized LJ in our blogs
* When I was researching for my blog entries, I learned that LJ had run this ad before, in November 2000, which also resulted in a storm of ticked-off readers. The vendor promised never to run that ad again. Way to break a promise. Even then the powers-that-be at LJ had nothing to say about it. And obviously learned nothing from it, as it's pretty much the same staff now as then
* Finally, a bunch of us got together to compose a group letter and added all of our signatures to it. Over thirty people signed. Plus a number of them had also contacted LJ staff individually. This went nowhere.
So I had this bright idea to contact the members of the Linux Journal Advisory Board and ask for their help in getting a response. A few of them had the courtesy to reply, but it was clear they did not want to get involved. What do they advise on? Obviously not the right way to do customer relations, but how to cover your ears and go "la la la."
Apologizing For The Abusive Spouse
Doc Searls made a few private apologies here and there, just like back in 2000, talk about deja vú, but it was never clear if he was speaking for the magazine, or just making excuses like an abused spouse ("Officer, $spouse didn't mean it! It's just been all this stress lately!")
I'm Not Offended, So You Shouldn't Be Either
I received a lot of private communications both from a number of people associated in various ways with Linux Journal, and from my own loyal network of spies.
What I hear from my spy network is that the publisher and senior editors think the ad is screamingly funny; they don't get why readers are upset; they don't care that readers are upset; and they're just going to sit back and let it blow over. Carlie Fairchild, the publisher and owner since December 2006, has been involved with Linux Journal since 1995. So it's safe to say the buck stops with her. I have to wonder- where on Earth did Ms. Fairchild get the idea that alienating her customers is a good business practice? So what if she finds sexist, demeaning humor funny? It doesn't belong in Linux Journal. I paid my subscription money in good faith for many years, trusting to receive good Linux articles. If I want to read about blowjobs or read about how helpless and stupid women are, I don't expect to find it in Linux Journal. There are abundant sources for that elsewhere.
I am somewhat amused by the many "I'm not offended, so you shouldn't be either" comments in the discussions about this. This is a weird and stupid thing to say. What do your feelings have to do with me? That's approaching an unhealthy level of narcissism.
...MORE at link.