I don't talk crap about sex workers. I've worked with them. Still do. I want prostitution decriminalized and tricks thrown in jail. I object to glamorizing an industry like porn that is corrupt and exploitative. I hate being bullshitted about it as well, although there is only so much personal information I'm going give over the internet--and I put out my share-- you can take my word for it if you like. Or not. I know about the goddam sex industry.
I don't want a fucked up cooperate fascist system run by white males telling me what to wear either. Or what's sexy, or what sex acts I should be getting off on. Or where I should be on a self esteem scale solely by what I look like and solely because I'm female. Bullshit, bullshit bullshit. Man, I love my body and I love my radical self. No matter what I have, or don't have on.
That being said, some of the younger "third wave" feminists have great books out, that aren't that far off from "first wave". I started out considering myself merely a liberal all purpose feminist, and found I fit a radical criteria. Imagine my surprise.
I would love to call bullshit on divisive feminism in the first place, but I understand generations grow into their own conclusions, and I also understand how, say, Germaine Greer might be too much to take for some.
Please, please Understand that Andrea Dworkin was a voice screaming in the wilderness, in the most hostile environment possible and no matter where you land in your feminist soul, take some time to read her work, and look at the context. Not to agree necessarily, although you might be surprised, but to to look at radical beginnings. The whys and hows of radical feminism. She is continually misquoted and demonized, and I resent the hell out of that.
Feminism to me is about the female soul, spirit, psyche, condition, whatever you want to call it. It's about women having no rights for most of human history, when sex work was the ONLY option for some besides marriage or religion, how strong women, angry women, religious women, (I admire Margaret Fell) atheist women, damaged women, women of color, stood up and said no more. Like any fight, some of them died, some of them gave up or gave in, some of them we never heard of, some of them became famous, all of them made a difference. To me, no matter what my opinions are, I still have work to do as long as women have their human rights threatened, and are told what to do and be by manipulative patriarchal assholes.
We don't have to agree. Hang out here, hang out in the feminist forum, speak your piece. I'll listen if you like. So will others. Welcome.