Texas ranked 10th in the rate of women murdered by men in 1996.
Forty-two Texas concealed handgun licensees were arrested for family violence from 1996-1997.
Almost 825,000 Texas women were physically abused in 1998.
Texas ranked second in the percent of calls to the National Domestic Violence Hotline in 1997.
Almost 8,000 rapes were reported in Texas in 1998.
More than 3.5 million Texans do not have access to sexual assault education and prevention programs.
One third of Texas women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes.
Texas had the highest number of women--669,000-- who would benefit from an increase in the minimum wage. These women represent 17 percent of working women in Texas; the national average of working women earning the minimum wage is 12.6 percent.
Texas ranked 42nd in the nation for women who were economically independent.
Texas ranked 43rd in the nation for women living in poverty.
Texas ranked 50th in the nation for women without health insurance.
Almost two million women in Texas did not have health insurance in 1999.
Texas tied for 48 in the nation for teen pregnancy rates with a rate of 49 per 1,000 women in 1996.
More than two million Texas women were in need of contraceptive services and supplies in 1998.
Texas ranked 35 in the nation for overall political participation of women in 1998.