and realize 1 in 4 people are abusive you can see why abusive people strive for power.Poor people the down and out are basically targets for abusers who own companies,abusive bosses who use the employee and throw them away. There is MASSIVE financial abuse in this country.That is why the rich NEVER really share because they have the VALUES and BELIEFS that abusers have.In Arianna Huffington's book Pigs at the Trough,she woke up to the fact that super wealthy powerful politicians were not concerned about the poor or working class,they didn't give to them charitably they would give money to things that did nothing to help poor people or workers lives improve .They would not give anything to a soup kitchen or program trying to better the social good of the 'targets which are many Americans.Because they think they are entitled and deserving and poor people deserve to be exploited.
Abuse really is the foundation of the society as it is now. Abuse is what the conservative "values" are all about.
We need to spread the word because abuse is epidemic on so many levels in our culture .We need to get non abusive people educated about abusers so they can stop being targets and enablers of this shit that is killing us all. To change society we need as a people to stop abuses wherever they occur be it domestic violence or massive financial abuse of a nation, or abuse done by laws aimed at taking the rights of certain people(trans-gender or other minorities) to not be abused by the state or workplace away.
Every time a vote comes that makes a class of people second class citizens or takes away their rights,silences them and negates their equal person hood it is abuse by legislation!!
Abusers fear and HATE EQUALITY.They do not want to do their part in ANY relationship they want all the power all the perks and NONE of the fairness,mutual respect or responsibility. The social and personal perks of the abusers must be revoked NOW. And if they threaten us with harm and if they do harm to us or others depending on the situation ,be prepared to,get them arrested,fight or even kill them. You cannot reason or compromise with an abuser. Be it a home tyrant ,workplace tyrant or a political tyrant.The Democratic party the non abusers in that party have to wake up to what they are up against.
The time of trying to appease or tolerate abusers in this world is long over.Every relationship with abusers is a unequal one. It is time to stop them and revoke their stolen privileges positions and perks.And make them pay up, do their share, share the wealth, do their job,or behave, if they do not do this they must be separated from society or killed..
Read what happens when there is no time for bullies..