Sunday morn, and I'm watching Tim Russert on Meet the Press, sorta just listening really, while I check email and stuff. He just did nearly 15 minutes on the all-important subject of drugs in baseball. 15 minutes of Russert, Tim Davis and poor ol' sad-eyed Henry Waxman going "quack quack quack", back and forth...
Before that, he interviewed Condi Rice... uugghhh! I noticed though, that if you turn away from the tv her voice by itself is really VERY pleasantly feminine and soft-sounding; perhaps a bit TOO syrupy, but the overall effect definitely maintains the illusion of calm and steady confidence; she's like a harpy siren singing endless irresistible lullabyes to the entire sleepy populace of New Crapolasville...
'Course, he didn't ask her one tough question, he was practically licking her face like a big friendly puppy. He did grill her on one point; he asked her about 200 times if she would consider running for president, and she said no at least that many times, in a variety of ways. In the end, Tim still looked unconvinced; given this, I wonder why he even bothers with such pointless exercises in futility...
"Coming up next," Tim says, "Social Security reform: What must the president do to forge a compromise?"
Yes, Tim, that is the ONLY question, isn't it? Please do give us some sense of just how President Pinhead is going to manage to ram the royal codpiece down the collective throats of America once again...
Haven't watched this crap in months, I'm happy to say...
I'm sure it's been said many times before, but I wish there was a show called Beat the Press.
THAT I'd watch religiously.
ps: For the latest on the Gannon/Guckert story (ignored TOTALLY by Tim and pals) go to DXS
"A man who would forsake liberty for security is a real dipshit jerkweed doofus, that's for sure."
Benjamin Frankin