From: Kathleen Turner - Activist and PFAWF Board Member
Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 2:37 PM
Subject: 35 years ago today. . .

35 years after the Supreme Court affirmed that women have the right to make their own reproductive choices
. . . the right to choose is hanging by a thread. One more Justice who is not committed to upholding women's rights could mean the end to our
reproductive freedom for decades. And there is only one way you and I can stop that from happening . . .
to elect a President and Senators this year who will defend the right to choose NO MATTER WHAT.
That's why I'm lending my voice and my dollars to People For the American Way's "Take Back the Court" campaign.
I simply will not sit by and watch the Court roll back my rights.">I urge you to join me today.
PFAW urgently needs funds now to get this message out to every voter . . .
When you vote for President or for a Senator this fall, you're voting for the Supreme Court.
Last week PFAW unveiled its first Take Back the Court radio ads in Maine. I recorded the ads
to remind voters that we simply can't afford any more so-called "pro-choice" Senators who will
vote to confirm Supreme Court nominees like Roberts and Alito. . . not this year.
PFAW must have additional funds to get radio ads more air time in Maine and in other critical states.
And they must have funds for a massive campaign to
MAKE THE SUPREME COURT A CENTRAL ISSUE IN THE 2008 CAMPAIGN.">Please join me with a gift of $30, $45, $75 or even $150 RIGHT NOW.
I remember the days before Roe v. Wade . . . when women risked their lives to end an unwanted pregnancy.
WE MUST NOT GO BACK TO THOSE DANGEROUS DAYS.">Please join PFAW’s Take Back the Court campaign today to help work for a Supreme Court that will protect all our rights and liberties.
Thank you.
Kathleen Turner
Activist and PFAWF Board Member