and has now decided what's right for the rest of us based on her twisted view of the world. Oh yeah, we should take someone's words as sacrosanct because they come from a good family; er, I don't think so. BTW, she has
endorsed Brownback for president and is a champion of right-wing causes. Hers are not words I find reliable, to say the least.
Two things I notice about your posts; every one of your posts I've looked at is linking to your articles with no other commentary or disscussion. Are you here to discuss politics or are you here to promote your articles?
In the article you linked to in this post, you link to world net daily. You should know that world nut daily is not considered a valid source of information at DU. world nut daily is "peopled" with racist, sexist, homophobic, snake-oil salesmen and their rubes. If you consider them a valid source, then I would suggest you won't be very happy for very long at DU.
Now, on to the genetically connected, doctor and her warped view of the world. From her site:
It is time for America, perhaps the most blessed nation on earth to lead the world in repentance, and in restoration of life! If only we can carry the freedom of repentance to its fullest potential. If only America can repent and turn away from the sins of our nation. Abortion is at the forefront of our destruction. Partial Birth Abortion is perhaps the most heinous form of this legal genocide. Direct links connecting abortion and serious conditions such as breast and cervical cancer, emotional disorders and other serious ills must be considered! The only healing and redemption is in the blood of Jesus, blood willingly shed so that we could stand today and cry out for the blood of the unborn that is drenching the land of our children.
My involuntary abortion was performed just prior to Roe v. Wade by my private physician without my consent. I had gone to the doctor to ask why my cycle had not resumed after the birth of my son. I did not ask for and did not want an abortion. The doctor said, “You don’t need to be pregnant, let’s see.” He proceeded to perform a painful examination which resulted in a gush of blood and tissue emanating from my womb. He explained that he had performed a “local D and C.”
Soon after the Roe v. Wade decision, I became pregnant again. There was adverse pressure and threat of violence from the baby’s father. The ease and convenience provided through Roe v. Wade made it too easy for me to make the fateful and fatal decision to abort our child.
Over the next few years, I experienced medical problems. I had trouble bonding with my son, and his five siblings who were born after the abortions. I began to suffer from eating disorders, depression, nightmares, sexual dysfunctions and a host of other issues related to the abortion that I chose to have. I felt angry about both abortions, and very guilty about the abortion I chose to have. The guilt made me very ill.
{there is more at her site but I'm not sending her any traffic. I'll leave it to the reader to google.}
That lady has some serious issues. Her two abortions are the least of them.
If the best you've got in the way of discussion is posting r/w talking points made by r/w stooges, you're gonna hate DU.