at the end of something, you can say f**king anything." Looks to me as though someone here has learned a lot from Fox.
I am relieved to see that a couple of DUers have suddenly come into their feminist consciousness and have come here to express their concern for us and to remind us, poor, stupid, ignorant, feminist women and men that we haven't, in fact, studied all the possibilities and consequences when we advocate for or step outside our pre-ordained, God-given, biological imperative roles as wife, mother, homemaker/housekeeper, and incubator-on-legs. In one case, they've even gone so far as to start several threads with the ever powerful question mark to express their concern while humbly noting they're not qualified to determine what is or is not a Women's Rights issue and/or appropriate topic for this forum.
Ah yes, the old "if only I knew
your rules I could better inform you of how very wrong and ignorant you are in a manner that allows me to do so while pissing all over your forum" gambit; aka feminist baiting which is much akin to its ugly cousin, liberal baiting which can trace its history and construction to the even uglier
"Jew-Baiting"; used by bigots since human history began, to disrupt and divide while claiming ignorance and assigning blame for all the world's ills to those under attack.
"How was I supposed to know? You keep changing the rules."
"Geez, I was just asking a question."
"Wow, you feminist types sure are angry."
"I just wanted to find out how you came to such (ignorant) conclusions and set you straight about the real truth."
"If only you understood that
I know how you
should feel/think/act, you'd be a much happier woman."
"Men are just as (fill-in-the-blank)." Read and learn;
"Why I Write Not of Men".
Wait, wait, I almost forgot one of my all-time favorites;
"It was just a joke. Can't you take a joke? Damn, you feminists sure don't have a sense of humor."
You see, if we'd all just learn to act, think, and feel as we are told, the economy would improve, poverty and disease would end, there'd be no more wars, and the world would be a much better place; it's all the fault of feminists and feminist enablers.
So, ladies and gentlemen, thank heavens we're saved from our ignorance and stupidity by those "men" who have come to our rescue; their profiles disabled, their talking-points in order, bringing us the Gospel according to rush/newt/et. al., and, of course, the ever prescient and omniscient, Fox; waving their powerful question marks and feigned humbleness before us so that we, too, can shed our scary, hairy, and feminazi ways to become the perfect little women and non-feminized men God/Fox/and our newly enlightened DUers always intended us to be.