More commonly women considered to have dishonored or disgraced their families here were "put away" instead of being killed, but since Reagan emptied the nuthouses, they're usually just kicked out of their homes.
Teenage girls in this country who come from strict religious Christian, Moslem, Jewish, Mormon, and other patriarchal families, who are suspected of having sex with or simply flirting with a boy, or dressing "inappropriately" are called sluts and kicked out. Once homeless, with no means of support, they frequently have no choice but to turn to prostitution. And the upstanding male pillars of their community who enforce such barbaric standards, are their best customers.
Women whose boyfriends or husbands believe that they have cheated, flirted, or dressed inappropriately, are sometimes kicked out of their homes, but more often are beaten, and sometimes killed.
Patriarchal religions tend to consider sex unclean, women unclean, and killing to be God's glorious holy work to honor His name.
Family values is code for the subjugation of women and child molestation. Women and children who are not properly subordinate and obedient, must be punished.
It isn't them and there. It is here and it is us. It is everywhere. It is called patriarchy, and whether overt or subtle, it is still the same old chattel slavery. Even when the enforcement of chattel slavery doesn't end in death, but merely in "domestic violence," that doesn't make it a Moslem problem or a foreign problem. Look at the statistics of women murdered in this country, and you'll find that they are usually killed by a husband or boyfriend. We don't call those honor killings, but more often than not that's exactly what they are.
Saying that these women are victims of domestic violence or jealous boyfriends instead of victims of honor killings, doesn't make them any less dead, or dead for any different reasons. Wherever females are considered to be property of their parents until they marry, and property of their husband's thereafter, honor killings, i.e., the murder of females seeking freedom and equality, exist.