(citations omitted)
In March 2008, she went missing for 3 days in Brussels, Belgium. She was last seen in the early hours of Wednesday, March 5, 2008. She was found alive on Friday, March 7, 2008 by a plainclothes Brussels policeman, in the presence of a local window cleaner. He told press, that the couple met in a pub and was planning to spend dinner together. Dirie could not give an explanation over what happened, and only said that she was lost, and couldn't find her way back to her hotel. Since she had no money on her, she had been sleeping in hotel lobbies. Afterwards, she declared that she was kidnapped for two days by a taxi driver and the story of having been lost was to keep the press from asking her too many questions. She also knew the window cleaner for less than an hour. A few days later she again changed her story and told Austrian media that she was kidnapped and held by a taxi-driver who tried to rape her, she also said that the Brussels police refused to help her. She finally admitted she had a drinking problem and enrolled in a hospital program to help her sort her problem.
The unfortunate catch 22 that arises in trying to assess reports like hers is that:
(a) people with psychological disturbances and/or substance abuse problems (commonly found together) sometimes give reports of events that do not reflect reality;
(b) people with problems of those kinds, especially women, are very vulnerable to exploitation and harm, both because they often lack the resources to protect themselves and because of the expectation that their reports will be regarded as not reflecting reality.
A video interview with her after the incident:'ve been abducted and sexually assaulted and had to rely on my wits and my feet to live, and have experienced (brief) police skepticism (it really is part of their job). I have also dealt with an alcoholic who could fabricate tales so brilliantly interwoven with believable elements that I had no hope of identifying the falshoods, to generate sympathy for himself and avoid responsibility for his actions. I don't have what is needed to assess the credibility of Darie's account, which could be a relatively true report of something like what happened to me or a complexly false report of the kind a clever alcoholic can produce when the need arises.
What I don't see is any basis for assigning responsibility, for whatever happened, to anyone other than herself or the person(s) who victimized her, as the case may be.