(i posted this in GD, but am x-posting as this is an amazing bare-faced example of EXTREME misogyny in society at-large -- brook)
It's an exercise in brutality, but I can't stop myself from reading the comments on the Orlando Sentinel website. I particularly look for articles reporting on social programs for the poor, because these stories attract comments that describe our culture in the starkest terms.
This morning I hit the jackpot with an article entitled
"15 homeless moms receive housing assistance." First, behold the compassion --> then, go and leave your own comment just to remind the world that these people don't speak for everyone...
http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/osceola/orl-home2808mar28,0,2749219.story As far as all these "single mothers" given public housing, I'd have just one requirement: Entrance requirements are that you show indisputable physical proof of having your tubes cut, tied and cauterized so they cannot be re-connected by Houdini or Jesus either one. I for one am damned tired of seeing these welfare sows being afforded all the handouts based on the number of illegitimate kids they have dropped by a half dozen "Leroy's" whose name they can't even remember anymore and going out and looking to get pregnant again so they can qualify for another stipend from the stupid State welfare numbnuts.(subtext: eugenic sterilization is not enough! these dirty females must be disfigured; cauterized -- burnt like witches. poor people are "illegitimate" not just in the sense of being without fathers, but they have right to live as they threaten the writer. notice the generalized name he gives the children: "Leroy's" (sic) -- the racism is implicit.)
To get this free housing they need to tie their tubes. Breeding is just a way for these low lifes to get people to feel sorry for them. If they would spend the time working that they spend having sex they would not be in the situations that they put themselves into. It is sad that one has to take a test to drive a vehicle, take a test to get a gun legally, but anyone can drop out a kid and not have any money or one idea about how to raise a kid. These children are all prison fodder, future prisoners, what can they learn from their mother?(subtext: another eugenics partisan, because pregnancy is deliberate to garner sympathy. "lowlife" people are characterized by the act of having sex. conversely, "good people" either don't have sex, or aren't punished for having sex with having children. like a Brooks Bros shirt, old testament misogyny never goes out of style.)
Giving these women free housing is only keeping them enslaved to poverty for the rest of their lives. I bet they are all fat from overeating. Funny how our poor in this country die of heart disease at such a high rate from over eating while in real poverty stricken countries I have visited the poors bellies are swollen from worms. These women dont know poverty.(subtext: poverty does not exist because poor people are overweight because being in this writer's fantasy, being overweight is associated with having money. it's a sign of abundance. but then, shouldn't an overweight person garner more respect from this writer? this statement is equivalent to the "witch test" used during the Spanish Inquisition: either way you lose.)
Exactly. These kids will perpetuate the cycle
endlessly, being exposed to mom's lifestyle of
no education, no marriage, various boyfriends
dropping by to impregnate but not to contribute,
and handouts by the government or charities
helping out. What's to show that things could (and should be)be different?(subtext: the children themselves threaten this person's life and security and poverty due to the mother's moral failings -- because the wealthy are all highly moral. you can tell by their wealth. wealthy folk never have sex either. nor do they have fatherless children. or acne. or weight problems. wealthy people are the BEST!)
Better get going so I can pay the rent for these people...oh and, you're welcome!(subtext: I am so pissed off that my money is used to help people in need. more bombs! more bailouts!)
There's nothing wrong with a lot of hard work. That's the problem with this country. Do you think the Pilgrims had the government to give them a home when they landed in this country hundreds of years ago? What about all those people who lost everything they had during the Civil War? Our ancestors worked hard, lived without, struggled to put food on the tables at times. But, in the end, their hard work paid off. I worked with my family picking oranges or green peppers in the summers while I was in school in order to help make ends meet while I was growing up. That's the problem. People have lost the desire to work for what they have and truly believe, as you so obviously do, that things should be handed to them. Hard work builds character. Some of the people living off government funds should try it once in a while.(subtext: I'm a bitter old cracker.)