N.Y. Pioneers Tougher Approach to Batterers
Run Date: 04/08/08
By Francesca Levy
WeNews correspondent
U.S. courts have been sending batterers to rehabilitation programs for decades. As research finds the programs doing little to curb domestic violence, New York state has taken a tougher tack, aimed at enforcing sentences.
Phyllis B. Frank
NEW CITY, N.Y. (WOMENSENEWS)--Phyllis B. Frank founded a program in 1978 to counter domestic violence through workshops for men. It was the first batterer-intervention program in the state and among the first in the country.
Ten years later, the director of the VCS Community Change Project, located in New City, a suburb about 45 minutes north of New York, finishes off the opening paragraph of a grant application and spins in her chair to face a reporter's question about such programs.
"Batterer programs are a dumping ground," Frank says flatly. "We send men here, and we think we're doing something. I decided at one point the best possible thing I could do would be to close."
But Frank did not shut down the program.
Instead, during the 1990s she redefined its goals--aligning it more with sentencing and court-order enforcement than rehabilitation--and began to develop what would become known as the New York model.
http://www.womensenews.org/article.cfm?aid=3556the studied outcome of any of these programs seems very disappointing - it seems batterers/abusers simply do not change - period - no matter what - they are pathologically abusiveEDIT: This goes hand-in-hand with this thread:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=229x9767As I said above, in italics, the programs don't seem to work regardless. Batterers are pathological - ie: unable to change - until/unless it hurts THEM to be violent - they won't change.
This means that hat has to change is that this issue must be seen as what it IS: a HUMAN RIGHTS issue - a chronic one, borne of a patriarchal, male-dominated society, with women still being seen largely as property to be owned and controlled, and to "serve" men and their whims. When ACCOUNTABILITY for their violent behavior causes that behavior to affect THEM (the batterers) negatively, and to hurt THEM in some way - THEN they will stop. And ONLY then - only when it hurts THEM to hurt others - will they ever stop.
I won't hold my breath for THAT evolution. Pfft!