Edited on Tue Feb-01-05 10:15 AM by Sugarbleus
I'd send this in to Lou Dobbs or some other readily accessible so-called journalist in a heart beat.
Your piece is very well written and just says so much in a short space. I'd like to borrow it, give you credit...with your permission..and send it to this one and that one. OR YOU should start sending this type of writing around to all sorts of people. Newspapers, politicians, radio shows, TV personalities......this is excellent.
One thing that's plain to me is the change from the industrial to technology/information based economic age--which happened way too fast. The loss of (fair to say) unskilled labor related jobs: manufacturing et al has led to the poverty class of huge chunks of society. Not all persons are apt to go on and aquire a PhD........even so, white collar jobs are now leaving the country in some numbers.
When mom and pop and junior were employed at the washing machine plant down the road, paid decent wages, provided some healthcare benefits, then with some saving were able to purchase a modest residence, things ran pretty smoothly. People gathered in their communities for social activities, got to know one another, helped one another to some degree, shopped in their communities...even after the advent of some outlying malls...it was a good enough time.
The "death" of industry along with OFFSHORING/OUTSOURCING is the bane of our basic existance. Deregulation is the culprit also.
How in gawds name could we let this happen?!! We let the "devil" have the keys and he ran off with them. We bought the lies of "new age world economy", laid down and let it happen...no controls, no foresight, nothing.
With the exception of a few unmotivated, or the few that genuinely need help because of crisis or old age/disability, most people want to work making a living wage. They want to make their own way--the country is NOT providing a means for these people to do that. Most people want to own their own homes and mind their own business. Now, as you point out, even the suburbanites are having to visit the "food banks"............this is outrageous.
Again, great post!