As a country, America is extremely wealthy. The problem is that the wealth has been more and more squeezed from the bottom up, and the divide been the rich and the poor has grown. There is no excuse for allowing so many millions of our citizens to lead bleak, stressful lives, just trying to tread water. We should be throwing them life preservers, and pulling them to shore.
Increased poverty leads to increased crime. It leads to more broken homes, more at risk children, more homelessness, and many other things, none of them good. Or, to be honest, not good unless you're a corporate executive, larding more onto your salary and perks by shipping good paying jobs overseas, or paying bottom dollar by threatening to fill existing jobs with immigrants willing to work for less.
We've got people able to afford several luxury homes, private jets, and anything else they can think of, by squeezing the last cent they can from the people who do the work to enable these ghouls to collect the salaries they do. Class warfare? Sure, but they fired the first shot, and they have all of the heavy duty weapons. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm taking sides, and it's going to be with the hard-working, but still impoverished Americans who are trying to survive.
Now, a word about race. It's no secret that blacks are incarcerated at a much higher level than whites. I, for one, do not believe for a minute that blacks are more prone to crime; instead, I see that they suffer from prejudices passed down from one generation to the next. Case in point. A black co-worker of mine bought a brand new car several years ago. She was unable to go pick up her car, and sent her adult son, after calling the car dealership in advance.
Her son, who was a young black man of about 21, was pulled over THREE times, and asked to see his license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. I will guarantee you, if I had sent one of my children, white young adults, as long as they were not violating any laws by speeding, running stop signs, or red lights, they would have cruised home undisturbed.
The tie between this and poverty, as least as far as I'm concerned, is that when one segment of our population has to deal with the difficulty of finding a job paying a living wage, is judged as a potential criminal because of the color of their skin, and is jailed much more often than white people committing the same crime, there is a deep, deep flaw in our country.
Poverty itself has been made to be something to be ashamed of in our society. The two most serious sins now are sins dealing with sexuality...gay marriage, women's right to choose, and paying women what men earn...and race. A large percentage of our prison population is now behind bars for violating marijuana laws. These are non-violent people, but man, do they enable our privatized prisons to earn profits.
Race, social class, distribution of wealth, these are all things that cause enormous amounts of damage to our country. We can not solve this problem, though, until people can see the link between poverty and crime, poverty and homelessness, and poverty and lack of health insurance. I will gladly, and willingly, pay more taxes, not to fund more bloodshed and war, but to help lift my fellow citizens out of the poverty that hurts us all.