there. I was on a thumb area forum and they all have it figured out on michigans ill's. It's not money grubbing auto companies or the state being bled dry by the previous gov or the out sourcing going on in the state, no the problem with michigans job loss is wetlands, the DEQ, the EPA and every other agency trying to protect the people of the states fault, oh yeah don't forget those welfare queens living off the fat of the state. Then you got the Midland brain dead who are getting sick at 3 times the rate of other michigan cities because the nit wits let Dow turn every inch of land in the city into a dioxin dump, but thats just a myth to the good people of Midland, Dow Chemical is their friend. Then you got the Devoss/Vanandel suck ups in GR, all of michigans woes are from Detroit and if they could get rid of Detroit then it would be Grand Rapids that decides for the state instead of Detroit. I see these assholes writting their clap trap and just shake my head knowing that if they get their way on how the state is run, they too will be welfare queens living off the fat of the state. How did people get that stupid? Or is it from living on toxic waste dumps thats effected their ability to evolve into a higher life form, I tell you nothing like seeing drag marks in the snow from these assholes dragging their knuckles.