The Wall Street Journal
Homeless Study Looks at 'Housing First'
Shifting Policies to Get Chronically Ill in Homes May Save Lives, Money
March 6, 2008; Page A10
A four-year study of homeless people with chronic medical problems in Chicago offers fresh evidence that efforts to move the homeless into permanent housing quickly can improve their lives and save taxpayer money. The study was put together by a coalition of hospitals and housing groups seeking hard evidence supporting this approach to dealing with homelessness. Results of the study, which was financed by housing grants from the federal Housing and Urban Development Department and private charities, will be presented today at the National Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit in Baltimore.
The study, called the Chicago Housing for Health Partnership, or CHHP, is among the first to use a scientific approach in a housing study of homeless people with problems other than mental illness, according to Dennis Culhane, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and leading researcher in the field who has followed the study's progress. One group of homeless people that received housing and intensive follow-up by a case manager consumed fewer public resources than a separate group that received "usual care" -- the piecemeal system of emergency shelters, family and recovery programs -- according to a preliminary review of data by the researchers.
Members of the study group, such as Claude Ousley, a 60-year-old with congestive heart failure who had been homeless about five years, spent half as many days in hospitals and nursing homes and went to emergency rooms half as often as the usual-care group over 18 months. The savings more than made up for the $12,000-per-person annual cost of providing housing and a case manager, according to the preliminary findings.
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