"LOST GROUND"; Welfare Reform, Poverty, and Beyond.
Edited by Randy Albelda and Ann Withorn. Contributing authors/scholars are about 14 in number.
I'm only about 1/4 through the book but it's FULL of details and arguments for why "Welfare Reform" was the wrong thing, done the wrong way, at the wrong time.
Welfare Reform aka PRWORA/Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act is a cruel hammer to be brought down upon single mothers. It was entered into with the help of Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich using Charles Murray's notorious 1984 tract, Losing Ground: American Scoial Policy 1950-1980 as the lubrication to foist this reform upon WOMEN with children.
"Reformers" had been trying to change the attitudes towards women on welfare for decades. I didn't know it but we gave public assistance to women back in the 1890's; especially if they were widowed. See, women then were expected to "depend" on their husbands for support--though many women did work outside the home for meager wages to help support the family. If the husband died or deserted than the society felt sorry for the woman and allowed her some assistance, especially for her and any children. They were "deemed Deserving".
As Linda Gordon, Sociologist states: By devoting themselves to mothering, the female recipients were performing what God, nature, and society intended women to do and doing so, moreover, under difficult circumstances. Children were by definition deserving. Mother-children famiies certainly seemed as derserving of public support(ADC) as the elderly (Social Security Act).
Over time, the and leaving a whole lot of interesting history behind here, (you have to read the book)..attitudes changed from deserving to parasites. Women of color were the worst treated, as attitudes changed, until they stood up for their rights to benefits the same as any white single mother was getting. And yes, let's not leave out MEN'S role in changing these attitudes early on. They didn't want to pay to support "deserted women/children"..hence the campaign to reform/restrict welfare began a long time ago.
Then there's the business/corporations angle. As argued in this book, it goes like this. By subsidizing women to stay home with their children (as the RWer Xtians believe is normal and honorable work, in raising children)...this somehow created a baseline of poverty/income from which the working people wanted to stay far above. Working people competed for jobs based on their skills and experience and asked for the best dollar value for their labor. They expected raises like all of us would. The business world claimed that working people were asking for too much in wages and benefits and saw their bottom line shrinking. (poor babies)
Skipping ahead, outsourcing became the key to MORE PROFITS for the boss--cheap labor overseas. Then by forcing desparate women/men off of welfare, here comes a whole new group of people who are forced to take whatever job they can get. Voile' the bosses have a new pool of cheap labor, right here at home, from which to drive down wages and increase their profit margins. If this former welfare recipient won't do the job, oh well, the next one will. Whippppeeeee
Not only did "reformers" force women off welfare into work, they did NOT provide adequate helps such as JOB TRAINING/higher education or quality job placement so that the woman could REALLY improve her income stream/lifestyle. Childcare is rare, housing costs have soared and many of the former "helps" AFDC (now TANF) recipients got were also cut off or hung over their heads to FORCE them to comply with a job, any job or else. Can you say: "Servitude"?
Working for minimum wage or just above DOES NOT IMPROVE THE LIVES OF SINGLE MOTHERS thrown off Welfare. They are STILL struggling and some worse than others. I heard a woman at a Kucinich rally talk of how she was not allowed to go to college when on TANF. She wanted to know if he would change that policy if elected. I seem to recall a statement made by * that people who go to college instead of to work after assistance is removed are cheating the system (words to that effect)WTF???!!
Words like those just make me more convinced that tossing people off of assistance before they are ready, IS the cat-out-of-the-bag statement for the pro CHEAP LABOR lobby as well as the ANTI WOMEN'S HEALTH, WELFARE, AND RIGHTS MOVEMENT!
It was stated in the book that many business people felt that raising children wasn't worthy enough--ONLY PAID labor was worthy of respect. The reformers urged women/men to get into "JOB READINESS PROGRAMS" so they could guilt trip them into believing that raising children wasn't a worthy cause and that they needed to set an example for their children. (As if prosperous women don't stay home with their kids) :eyes: