Edited on Fri Apr-25-08 02:37 PM by calimary
before they even began to consider fighting back.
NOBODY fought back to defend the liberal brand once it came under attack. NOBODY. Our folks just scurried for cover in fear. DISGRACEFUL! Maybe it gave them a little bit of a respite, but it left a huge number of people, especially the needy, out in the cold - with no cover whatsoever (literally, in to many cases, as well as figuratively).
I think they just felt intimidated after Carter (bad PR, nobody liked his "malaise speech", nobody wanted to hear bad news, especially when the economy was turning sour and then we were all beset by the hostage crisis in Iran that he was unable to solve (yeah... and that's another story of scheming coldhearted republi-CON fraud, thank you jim baker...). NOBODY likes to sidle up to, or have to defend, someone else when he/she's down. Unfortunately, that's the baser side of human nature that too many people choose not to admit to OR try to confront and conquer. They took the easy way out, the chicken-shit way out, and ran and hid. NOBODY spoke up. NOBODY hit back. NOBODY tried to interrupt or complain or offer an opposing view. And by the time reagan was through, honest, TRULY balanced broadcasting was royally screwed by deregulation, which meant that most of the microphones disappeared from liberals and were given over to limbaugh and clones.
Another part of our problem - and yes, it's still the PR problem, shallow but true - is that we had nobody "sexy" on our side, attempting to make a power-grab for the mikes and cameras and column inches, for face time, for equal time (beyond the fact that we had no more equal time protections to back us up, ol' ronnie's deregulation sure took care of THAT). Nobody willing or able to get anyone's attention. Nobody with a positive image and high public profile, that is. I keep thinking back to Princess Di. If we'd had somebody like her, here, a darling of the cameras, her smallest burp covered like crazy, everybody adored her, everyone was already favorably pre-disposed to be receptive to ANYTHING she said. If we could have had someone like her - an EXTREMELY sympathetic and wildly popular character who would have outshouted reagan, we could have counter-acted that. If somebody sexy like a John-John (back then, anyway) or Caroline Kennedy maybe, or even Oprah or some such individual might have been willing to stick their necks out, or the Pope, or somebody who drew press coverage like a frickin' magnet and whose every word the media and popular culture hung on like so many industrial-strength suction cups, reagan's "sunny" bait-n-switch, lipstick-on-pig happy-talk schtick would have been dwarfed.
Or perhaps if there was someone who became The Face of Poverty in America - some adorable little kid living in a cardboard box - then reagan and his "Millionaires On Parade" friends could have been transformed, image-wise, into the evil, selfish, short-sighted, cheapskate scrooges they were in actuality. THAT might have helped. It's all PR. It's all advertising. It's all about having become the nation of the sales pitch, by the sales pitch, and for the sales pitch. Was ANYBODY on our side willing or able or courageous or innovative enough to try such an approach?
Sadly, no. reagan had it all to himself, and because he was always smiling and all aw-shucks, with that cutesy crooked smile and the eyebrows that cocked at different angles, everyone only cared what they saw on the surface and didn't give a damn about the truths buried underneath.
As simplistic and superficial as it sounds, we needed someone (still do) who makes liberal COOL. To adjust the thinking and woo back blind-deaf-mute-asleep-comatose America, we need to repackage the liberal brand so that it's perceived as COOL. reagan somehow was perceived as COOL. Plus, he was this movie-star guy who actually seemed like a real-life "cowboy" with his ranch and his cowboy hat and his sidling up to his horse and his very own Dale Evans riding her horse alongside him, into the sunset. And WHATEVER he said was swallowed whole by most of America.
And whatever he said - had NOTHING to do with helping the poor. EVER. It was all, and only, about being rich, and conning Joe Sixpack and Jane Walmart shopper into thinking that if they just kept on voting republi-CON, they, too, would someday become rich.
And the poor simpleton buggers bought it. ALL of it. It sounded SOOOOOOOOO nice, like one of those late-night infomercials, and it was pitched by such a nice-sounding salesman. They couldn't help but fall for it, because they'd already fallen for him, as badly as Nancy had.
The added problem is that once those habits are instilled, they're awfully hard to break. And once someone is convinced that this is, or will be true, that someday the magic mystery formula of being a solid, loyal republi-CON voter will make you wealthy, it's awfully hard to dispossess yourself of. If you REALLY believed it, especially if you REALLY believed him, you'd probably be willing to cling to this belief til you drew your last breath on this earth.
And we didn't offer ANYTHING in rebuttal. NO arguments, NO terrific spokesperson selling those arguments, NOBODY putting a positive, even sexy face on it.
Walter Mondale? Oh criminy.
Michael Dukakis? Forget it.
They weren't sexy and appealing.
And poor hapless Jimmy Carter certainly didn't fill the bill. Mainly because he was too serious and thought-provoking and pondered the nuance and the details and didn't do the simplistic, short, happy-talk thing for dumbed-down, short-attention-span America. Don't get me wrong. I voted for all three of them, willingly and eagerly. But then, I don't mind doing nuance, and I'm not afraid of long arguments and complicated theories and background stuff that informs and impacts the present. Those of us on the Dem/liberal/progressive front are all like that. It's unfortunately not sexy to be smart (not since Mr. Spock, back in the late '60's after we'd already lost John, Bobby, and Martin). THAT concept has been morphed into something to be laughed at and scorned - the "pointy-headed liberal."
Sylvester Stallone once said (sometime back then) that the perfect movie script was one that contained only ONE SINGLE WORD. THAT was the "ideal." Yeah, sure. But that was the mood America was in. And it's taking an awful long time to fade, or die out, as the case may be.
WE have to be able to sex it up about the liberal brand. Unfortunately, it's as stupid and superficial as that. We have to make "liberal" sexy again. Figuratively, mainly. Short-term GREED makes the reagan/CONservative CON JOB sexy - because the non-thinkers out there have been persuaded that they'll get theirs in time, if they only wait and are patient and keep voting republi-CON. We have to outthink and outmaneuver that, and we need some bigtime help from some pretty sexy, appealing, sympathetic people to do it. At the moment, the only person who comes to mind for me is Angelina Jolie or some such person. And that's not enough. Not even the half of it. And nobody prominent seems to be willing or able to come up with something that counter-acts and knocks down the "pointy-headed liberal" label or anything else. Since when is it bad to be a bleeding heart, anyway? Since when is that such a bad thing? Well, reagan and his manipulative, scheming pals sure did a job on that. And we had NOBODY pushing back. NOBODY. 'Cause they were skeeered of the PR avalanche they'd be facing.
It's an absolute disgrace.
In fact, it's a sin.
It's certainly not in the Beatitudes anywhere - to do or believe as reagan and his greedy, selfish, short-sighted CON-jobbers preached.