Meanwhile, back at the farm…
Today has been frustrating on many fronts: Job insecurity = Still waiting on a call from the radio station for a 5-15 hr a week gig as production asst… Then, I got shined on for a third time from the MG Ed at the local daily because they are too corporatized to hire me to replace the lady I have been filling in for the past 2 years (she’s retiring) It would be a big break – but it occurs to me that the newspaper may not be a stable place to work… My job at the church is only worth $200/week at best, and my ONE client that I freelance for is to poor and has cut me to 5 hours a week…
Housing grief= My “long term” rental arrangement is over by September (preferably August) because the couple is getting a divorce and he is taking this house (she gets the kids…) Since I have a Sec 8…finding a house should be easy. At least I know I can look at a place for 1200, instead of looking at the back seat of my Honda as the only option! Everyplace is either a major dump with not enough bathrooms, etc, or isn’t available till the end of the summer, or just out of price range. I am really a little disappointed today at our options, and still have to figure out how to deal with the packing and moving right before the new school year. Ack.
News fatigue= Every time I look at headlines, the whole thing is just so damn impossible. I can’t even bear to look or be involved anymore. My activism is directly proportionate with my feeling of success any given week...
Poverty stress= Survival is the name of the game here - we are so close to the edge, I actually had to put groceries back at the grocery outlet! I realized that I only had $30 on me, because I had to put the other $20 in the gas tank! (driving around looking for houses is eating gas too)
Just a hard Monday, and I have deadlines to meet and all I wanna do is drink my wine and veg out. I wish I could run away to 1988 for a little while, and just be 18 and have no worries or responsibilities. Just for a day?