Poverty Day is Coming: Will You Be Ready?
The U.S. Census Bureau will release its annual data about poverty, income, and health insurance in the U.S. on August 26.
On August 19, the Poverty Prep Webinar will help you:
Find and understand national and state numbers when they're released on August 26 See accurate trends over time; whether your state fares better or worse than the national average Compare the new data (from 2007) with what we know about the economic woes of 2008, and Talk about the new findings to help build the growing movement for a national commitment to dramatically reduce U.S. poverty. Sign up for the Poverty Prep webinar: Tuesday, August 19, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Eastern time (11:00 a.m. Pacific): www.bostonconferencing.com/chn/1
Jared Bernstein, Director of the Living Standards program, Economic Policy Institute; author of Crunch: Why Do I Feel So Squeezed (And Other Unsolved Economic Mysteries), and frequent national media commentator. Jared will tell us what to expect in the new Census data.
Douglas Hall, Acting Managing Director of Connecticut Voices for Children, author of Pulling Apart in Connecticut: Trends in Family Income, Late 1980s to Mid 2000s. Doug will describe CT Voices for Children's work with the state's Child Poverty and Prevention Council, and how CT Voices uses facts about family income to carry out an action antipoverty agenda.
Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director, Coalition on Human Needs, will give practical tips for getting and using the data you need to make the case for reducing poverty.
Ellen Teller, Director of Government Affairs, Food Research and Action Center, moderator.
Sign up for the webinar: www.bostonconferencing.com/chn/1 When you register, you will receive information so you can participate in the webinar on August 19. You will view the presentation via your computer and listen either through your computer or by phone.
The Poverty Prep webinar is co-sponsored by the Coalition on Human Needs, Half in Ten: From Poverty to Prosperity, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and Voices for America's Children.
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