I keep talking about the old-fashioned concept of actually LISTENING to people rather than coming in and dictating to them.
I just came across a very small piece in the Denver Post that has artists actually LISTENING to people, in a interesting way.
This doesn't seem so far-fetched.. why can't people actually DO this? TAKE IT TO THE PEOPLE AND LISTEN!
Sunday. Community project. "Five Two Eight O" is a multidisciplinary exploration about what it is to live together in Denver's disparate neighborhoods. It's a series of five evenings of stories developed and told by neighbors within different neighborhoods. This week is dedicated to the area around Santa Fe Drive. On Thursday, local residents told their personal, 10-minute stories, suggesting important themes and hidden concerns of deep importance to their community, often the kind that cannot easily be articulated at traditional community meetings. In attendance were visual artists, playwrights, choreographers, poets, photographers and performers, watching and listening for inspiration. Today and Saturday, those artists will be creating new work inspired by the stories the residents told. Then, at a 4:30 p.m. reception Sunday at Globeville Studios (635 Santa Fe Drive), the resultant artwork will be exhibited and the stories performed, followed by a community dialogue. Info: 303-731-3104 or email info@fivetwoeighto.org. John Moore