My local community station will be broadcasting and you can stream at: stations can be found at Marathon
6:00PM Monday, February 23 to
7:00AM Tuesday, February 24
91.3 KXCI Tucson
Community Radio 91.3 KXCI will broadcast the 12th Annual Homelessness Marathon live, from Monday February 23 at 6:00PM through 7:00AM Tuesday, February 24. The Homelessness Marathon is an annual 14-hour radio broadcast featuring the voices and stories of homeless people from around the United States. The Homelessness Marathon features live call-ins all night long via a national toll-free number. Homelessness has always been an issue in Tucson and across the country. This year, an unprecedented number of people are becoming newly homeless.
There will be two call-in numbers for the broadcast.
ANYONE may call 877-NOBODY-8 (877-662-6398)
People who are homeless, formerly homeless or afraid they're about to be
homeless may also call 866-LEFT-OUT (866-533-8688)
Additional information available at: .
The 12th Annual Homelessness Marathon will originate from Pass Christian, Mississippi. Pass Christian is next door to Waveland, MS, which the Army Corps of Engineers officially designates as the "Ground Zero," where Hurricane Katrina came ashore. We call it the "other" Ground Zero, because it's the one that didn't get the attention (or the multi-trillion dollar response) that was given to the Ground Zero in New York.
Pass Christian was less affected than Waveland, losing a mere 100% of its public buildings, 100% of its businesses and 80% of its homes. Though the Gulf Coast is probably only about 20% rebuilt and there is a drastic shortage of affordable housing, the state and Federal governments will soon remove the remaining temporary trailers and cottages. Thousands of desperately poor elderly and disabled people and single parent families with young children are about to be thrown on the streets with nowhere to go.