THIS economy! He had a Tree & Landscape business that did him in. We, as his parents tried (perhaps a bit to OUR peril) to keep him afloat for about six months but in the end it didn't work! As his parents we actually took the financial hit which drained assets from our IRA! It was MORE money than we expected to pay because he then kind of hit bottom and we also had to help him out because of certain "medical" problems that came into play!! Think "intervention" and you will understand! He turned to drugs as a means of coping and there were many sleepless nights that tore me and his sister apart! Days at a time when we didn't know if he was going to live to see the next day!
And yes, I AM talking about "meth!" I had never had ANY experience with this drug and it was quite and education for us! While as a Boomer I have some considerable knowledge about "whacky weed" and to this day do support legalization, as strange as that may seem! METH on the other hand is a horror story I don't want to ever re-live! He just went off the deep end because he was unable to face the fact that he was a failure... a competition that included his relationship ship with his father!
IT was A MESS! My husband couldn't understand the psychological affect it had on him and actually was unable to handle his "illness" and they stopped talking for almost a year! I don't condone what my son did, but I also felt squeezed between my loyalty to my husband and my fear for my son!
As they say, time heals wounds and he has since gotten a job that he is happy with, but he was VERY LUCKY to have stopped into a bucket of "honey" whereby he got employed by a very famous person in our area! That was almost 2 1/2 years ago and this person was not only a "life saver" for us, but for him too! And it alleviated a drain on our own finances! He actually "kicked" the drug by himself and is now a proud father of a 9 month old son! We realize addicts will always be addicts, but as I said "this other person" was able to get through to him in a way his own father couldn't!
So, I DO completely understand your situation, and there are times I think we should have let him actually go down the bankruptcy road to learn a hard lesson, but I felt caught in a vortex that spiraled downward quickly and maybe made the problem worse. ONE will NEVER know!
In the end, we did come to a certain compromise regarding the money issue. Not because I wanted repayment, but because it's an appeasement for my husband. In maybe 5 or 6 years we may look into getting a reverse mortgage home our home... by doing this when we pass away and our home we live in now will be sold by our kids... my son will have to forfeit his part to pay the the difference between what it's sold for. My daughter, will get her full amount. Now, it may not come down to this because by then my husband have let ALL bygones be bygones, but it was "my" way of saying that in the end, our son really dud pay back the money!
Truth be told, it was simply a "factor" in getting them back together. For some reason the excessive amount of money we shelled out for out son is something that "bugs" my husband! For me as a mother... well I AM a mother and money wasn't a factor if I felt it would help my son to recover, or perhaps even save his life!
So THAT'S my story... we all have some, but I don't have ANY problem letting others know that our family isn't "picture perfect" because once you try to hide things like that... eventually they come out! Besides WHY keep it all bottled up!
Which is WHERE I am at right now with my ex-sister-in-law... she kept it bottled and now the problem got BIGGER!