Well, their abusive tricks, not the collectors themselves.
It is a long thread, many good tips may be in it.
Democratic Underground - WP,pg1: As Debt Collectors Multiply, So Do Consumer Complaints
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x1660372 ending poverty, as LBJ wanted to do, would end almost all collectors.
A new WPA could do that. see the JOBS FOR ALL site in my sig.
for those unable to work, grants to the disabled or elderly would do.
Poverty-ending Grants for all would only total 300 billion. Not that much would be needed, since as i said, JFA using a WPA would lift most of them out of poverty. ... bush's taxcuts for the rich were 350 billion.
WPA costs nothig as it harnesses the labor power of the jobless... which is now unharnessed.