This was posted at one of my animal rights advocate groups. I was not aware of this. I like Randi, but I am definitely going to complain about this.
Subject: Complain to Air America about Randi Rhodes
Air America, liberal talk radio, was launched in 2004. It was supposed to be
an opportunity to further the progressive agenda. So far the jury is out
since some of the programs leave a lot to be desired. A true progressive and
ethical agenda espouses concern for all liberal causes - among them jobs, war, poverty, health care and of course -- animal rights. As a true progressive, one cannot be against the violence of war or the death penalty - and not also be against violence to animals. To do so is hypocritical and inconsistent.
Peace begins with the choices you make - from the food on your plate to the
clothes on your back. It is not simply about joining anti war marches or wearing anti bush buttons. It is a comprehensive and all encompassing life
Randi Rhodes hosts her show weekdays from 3-7PM. On January 4, 2005, Randi spent quite a bit of time talking about a fur scarf she had received for
Christmas, how she does not particularly care if it is politically incorrect; how
she loves fur, she went on and on and on. It was outrageous and insensitive to her listeners, many of whom undoubtedly are opposed to the wearing of dead animal skin.
The fur trade is inherently cruel. Animals in traps suffer excruciating pain
for hours or even days before having their chests stomped on or their necks
broken by trappers. Animals on fur farms spend their miserable existence in
tiny, filthy cages and are killed by electrocution, suffocation, or neck breaking. Anyone who wears fur today, knowing this information, is cruel, selfish and anything but progressive.
Please contact Air America at to
complain. Ask them to either replace Randi Rhodes or to add someone to their radio lineup who espouses a true progressive philosophy.
Elizabeth Forel