This was posted at one of my animal rights groups. I am not going to post it at the New Jersey state forum because I am sure I will be flamed as there are probably hunters there.
From: New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 1:36 PM
Subject: Monmouth Co Deer Hunt Protest
Monmouth County Parks Deer Hunt Protest
Saturday, January 15, 2005
8:00am - 10:00am
Hartshorne Woods Park
Portland Road entrance (across from Henry Hudson High School)
Middletown, NJ
This is the first hunt in the Monmouth County Parks System's history. The Board of Recreation Commissioners voted in April, 2004 to open nine county parks to deer hunting with shotgun, muzzleloaders and bow and arrows. The Monmouth County Parks System admits that the deer are not overpopulated. The hunt was instigated because gun and hunting clubs pressured county politicians and because local homeowners complained about the deer. The hunt is cruel to deer and dangerous to people, and will not solve anything.
This hunt borders major roads and, in the case of Hartshorne Woods Park, is across the street from a school. In five of the nine parks, hunting is allowed during the same hours that the parks are open to the public. Furthermore, although Hartshorne Woods Park had been open in the past to early-morning joggers and dog-walkers, local residents are now being turned away by park rangers to give hunters from all over exclusive use of Hartshorne Woods Park before 9am. The two-week shotgun season in Hartshorne Woods Park began on January 3, 2005 and runs through January 15, 2005. In other parks, the hunting continues through February 19.
What else can I do?
Tell the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders to cancel this hunt and prohibit hunting in the county parks in the future. Click here to send an email: County Freeholders
One East Main Street
P.O. Box 1255
Freehold, NJ 07728
732-431-7310 voice
732-866-3696 fax
For more info about this hunt, visit: to see you at the protest!