Mercury poisoning increases food allergies and sensitivities. You said one of the things you reacted to was citric acid, and that will react with mercury. high in sulfur will chelate mercury, and make you feel worse. Chocolate is one of those. also contains caffeine, which is another substance that increases toxicity symptoms.
Milk will cause you to retain twice as much mercury, so it's advised to stay away from dairy and high sulfur foods like eggs if you're mercury poisoned. don't remember what meat detox was like, or even going through it. But when I cut out gluten (after a wheat-induced migraine) I started going through a detox that was like going off of a drug. And I got a bad rash on my face that wouldn't go away, so I figured it was detoxing from gluten (seems obvious). But it turned out gluten is another one of those things that can block mercury excretion, so once I cut it out I started detoxing more strongly from mercury.
I read that Algin (seaweed fiber) is used to absorb mercury in your system, and when I started taking that a few months later, my rash improved greatly by the second day. And it certainly helped confirm mercury was a problem.
I've had migraines since I was a child too. And even if you don't have or haven't had a lot of fillings, like me, childhood vaccines contain mercury as a preservative, and can be the start of problems with mercury poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised if mercury is behind my migraine trouble because it can really mess with your hormones, and there's some hormone fluctuation involved with migraines. Not to mention that mercury vapor released from fillings goes straight into your brain, and mere chewing causes extra vapor to be released!