You'll never regret it, not after you notice how much better you feel, fresher breath, etc.
Light soy milk: yes, it is out there. You may want to compare total calories and use that as your judge as well. The fat in soy milk is not going to clog up your arteries the way animal fats do. In fact there is overwhelming evidence that many natural plant fats (including soy) help to balance out and improve your good/bad cholesterol ratio.
I'm not sure what size market you live in but local health food stores may also carry rice milk, which has a very light taste. It would probably resemble the skim cow milk you are accustomed to.
For now, if you always take a sandwich to work could I suggest Morningstar Farms or Boca's meat free chic'n sandwiches? THEY ARE DELICIOUS. Better than the real (dead) deal by far. You can nuke the patties briefly before you take off for work & put them in your sandwich baggie and be right on your way. They taste great hot or at room temp. Eat these while you are expending your culinary horizons and find more things to bring into your lunch menu. My suggestions? A lovely pita pocket with red pepper hummus and your favorite vegetables like red onion, a nice lettuce mix and even a bit of thawed yellow corn.
If you find yourself missing mayonnaise you can also check at almost any health food store and find veganaise. It's yummy. It's made by a company called Follow Your Heart and they also have the best vegan cheese on the planet as far as I'm concerned. You can shop online or try to get your health store to carry it. They can be found here: . If you miss cream cheese look for Tofutti brand cream cheese, tis the bomb and also very good with veggies in a pita or on a sandwich.
Hope this helps some? :hi: