Edited on Fri May-26-06 01:21 PM by Beaverhausen
With the big tent that is the democratic party - and this website- here are many differing opinions about animal rights, just as there are about women's rights, the environment, religion, etc.
I personally sense that animal rights is an easy target for some people on this website, and those of us who feel strongly sometimes will do or say something that we maybe shouldn't and because of that we tetter on the edge of being banned. Even posters who are always calm and reasoned in their posts get warned about 'crossing the line' when it is the poster they are "discussing" the issue with who crosses the line. Most of us have had it happen. It is very frustrating.
I personally think it sucks how we are treated in some threads but it doesn't seem to change no matter what we try and do, no matter how we try to show that is isn't us who are behaving badly.
Sometimes taking a break is a good idea. I know I've done it.
I hope that is all our dear Flvegan is talking about.