eagles and other wildlife species are increasingly suffering from the effects of mercury pollution, which is deposited in their food chain by coal-fired power plants and other human sources such as the burning of hazardous waste.
Over the summer, governors across the country will be finalizing state plans to reduce mercury pollution and help make your air and water safer for America's people and wildlife.
Your governor has two options:
1. Write a strong plan that gets power companies to clean up their mercury pollution now.
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2. Adopt the U.S. EPA's federal plan, which is currently being challenged legally and will delay clean-up for at least 15 years.
Here's your chance to make a difference. Send the automatic email on this page to your governor and ask that mercury pollution be cleaned up with a strong state plan.
Not only will this help eagles, fish and other fish-eating wildlife, but it will also make Americans healthier too. People—especially children—who eat fish with high levels of mercury can suffer from developmental and other health problems.
Click here to learn more about mercury...