Please contact your Senators and ask them to please co-sponsor S-1915 the bill to amend the Horse Protection Act and /stop/ the horse slaughter in the US for human consumption.
This is urgent. The bill passed in the House by a large margin and now we need it to go to the Senate to end this atrocity. If you need more information: is a list of the co-sponsors to date, if your Senator is on this list, please thank them:
Sen Bayh, Evan
- 12/12/2005
Sen Boxer, Barbara - 3/8/2006
Sen Byrd, Robert C. - 10/25/2005
Sen Cantwell, Maria - 6/14/2006
Sen Collins, Susan M. - 7/26/2006
Sen DeMint, Jim - 10/25/2005
Sen Dodd, Christopher J. - 1/25/2006
Sen Feinstein, Dianne - 2/9/2006
Sen Graham, Lindsey - 3/29/2006
Sen Inouye, Daniel K. - 10/25/2005
Sen Kerry, John F. - 1/25/2006
Sen Landrieu, Mary L. - 10/25/2005
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. - 7/12/2006
Sen Levin, Carl - 10/25/2005
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. - 10/25/2005
Sen Lott, Trent - 10/25/2005
Sen McCain, John - 9/20/2006
Sen Menendez, Robert - 1/25/2006
Sen Nelson, Bill - 9/20/2006
Sen Reed, Jack - 9/6/2006
Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 9/14/2006
Sen Snowe, Olympia J. - 3/8/2006
Sen Specter, Arlen - 10/25/2005
Sen Stabenow, Debbie - 1/25/2006
Sen Stevens, Ted - 11/1/2005
Thank you so much!
Sol :)