I subscribe to a weekly newsletter from Yoga Journal and this issue is all about the benefits of vegetarianism. Enjoy. :)
Veggies for Nonviolence
I’ve been volunteering at a local farm sanctuary where former factory-farmed animals live out the remainder of their lives in a peaceful setting. I’m getting to know Sadie, a rescued dairy cow whose udders are chronically and painfully infected from a lifetime of growth hormones and overmilking. When I see her, I feel empathy overload for the other nine billion animals who face inhumane conditions and slaughter on factory farms.
As a yogi, empathy, ahimsa (nonharming), and health all come into play when making dietary choices. B.K.S. Iyengar posits that a vegetarian diet is "a necessity" for those practicing yoga. Luckily, many more humane-based food choices are available these days, even for nonvegetarians.
This week, explore the yogic roots of vegetarianism and how your food choices might abate the suffering of farmed animals. If you hope to adopt a plant-based diet, here’s some inspiration from Yoga Journal’s new sister publication, Vegetarian Times. Whether you're veg or not, learn how to incorporate more fresh, plant-based food into your diet by exploring Community-Supported Agriculture. Get in touch with your inner farm animal by practicing Gomukhasana, and, finally, tell us about more your diet in our weekly poll.