It is why I am working so hard on this. These horses are /brutally/ slaughtered. I can go into detail here, but I don't want to upset anyone. The really horrific part is that we have Senators lilke Senator Allard who actually had the /audacity/ to tell me on the phone (his worker did), that Senator Allard thinks the slaughter is humane. I want to -scream-!
So sorry for going off on this rant, but I am so very frustrated by people who are heartless, cold hearted or who have /no/ consicience.
I have been posting all over the place about this, and I get a few responses, but not a lot and I'm scared. Very scared that S. 1915 is not going to be sent to the Senate this year. If it's not, we have to go through getting another bill to the House and getting that passed /again/ next year. In the meantime, the foreign owned slaughter plants have increased the slaughter.
I read today somewhere that a woman found a "wild mustang" in a slaughter pen, with it's mane glued down, so no one would find out it was a wild horse.
So many have been working so hard on getting this bill passed, and to continue with the knowledge of how these poor horses are transported (starved on the way) and then how they are killed, is just difficult to bear.
Here are the horses that were rescued and a little bit about them:
http://hsmo.convio.net/site/PageServer?pagename=lrr_Donate_Horse_HeroesThey are magnificent animals and you can see how skinny some of them are, and some are babies! My heart just breaks for them. I've been a horse lover my entire life, but no matter what animal it is, I just can never understand how people can be so cruel.
I'll stop now.