And the animals will thank you as well.
Just curious, do you also do the slaughter on your farm as well??
Many decades ago, my ex was into the organic chicken business for himself. It bothered me to a great degree to watch him kill the chickens. I was the cook, and I hated the chore of cleaning the dead chickens to prepare for the freezer. So glad to say those days for me are buried in my past. Since then, over the years and especially lately with the help on this forum, my transformation stage is still ongoing.
But back to your concerns: What I would do, is prepare the meat dish separate and on the side have your magnificent vegetarian fare. There are so many absolutely deliciously ways to prepare vegetables, grains, casseroles (if you want to get truly involved with the kitchen). There are some incredible spices that make the entrees irresistible. And, if you want to entice your family, play around with the side dishes and tempt the family. Meat eating is a trait ingrained with education and I don't know the age of your children, but you could give them your opinions on the healthy and correct choices that will be with them for their lifetime. There was a thread started here in this forum sometime ago that everyone here contributed their awesome recipes. It needs to be resurrected in your honor.