Animals 'skinned alive for fur'
ANIMALS being raised in China's Hebei province to supply fur for clothing are being skinned alive, a Swiss animal protection group said today. The group (PSA) said it had six hours of video film and 550 photographs taken by local activists showing foxes, wild dogs or martens being clubbed or thrown to the ground to knock them unconscious, thereby avoiding damage to their pelts.
Most of the animals are just stunned and often recover consciousness while they are being skinned, leaving them in agony for up to ten minutes before they die, PSA said in a statement.
...Many cheap furs on sale in Europe, or used as linings for hoods and collars, come from China, according to the group.
...More than 1.5 million foxes, and about as many martens, mink, rabbits, dogs and cats are raised in China every year for their fur, according to PSA.,10117,12123015-23109,00.html