My mother died June 30, two weeks before my 50th birthday. It was the worst bd of my life, in spite of my personal accomplishments. I am involved in local animal causes that give me hope for the future. I am a member of the local Democratic caucus, which may not give as much hope, but at least I feel like I'm doing something. :)
I lost weight (alot!) & gained strength (alot!), and amazingly, this is one of the most wonderful things I have done for myself.
Still, my Mom died.
At her memorial, the husband of a good friend told me, "You will never get over the death of your mother. It has been 10 years for me & still, I will have a moment where I am overcome by grief that my mother is gone & I will never see her again." Great. Looking forward to that. Yet, it was a comfort over the past 10 weeks, as the memory of my beloved mother fades. At least, even in pain, I will think of her. I will not forget her. Even in 10 years. Not that I really thought I would.
I was in tears the first 4 weeks & on the verge for the following 4 weeks & am just now able to speak of her without breaking down.
So what is amazing to me, is this. Sometime after the assignation of JFK, MLK, RK, my mother became a right wing follower. I asked her once how the party of big money came to represent her, knowing she was poor & not religious. Her answer told me that she had fallen into the fear trap -- they will get her while she is shopping at the local mall. I didn't understand it, I didn't try to understand it. I simply recognized it as a different world view - a view that separated us.
Like the vegan thing. She told me once that if I had to ask 20 questions to the waiter because of a religious issue, she could understand that, but an ethical issue? I was boggled at that. Religious? Ethical? Difference? Huh?
I loved my Mom. Our early years together were liberal beyond belief! A young single mother in the late 50s, on her own, with a child, working & taking care of the two of us, she had no idea how influential her life style was on me. Years later, when I revealed to her who I really was, how liberal I am, she declared with disdain, "What kind of thing have I raised?"
It was the most hurtful thing she ever said to me. I only hope that the most hurtful thing I said to her was as kind as that. Arghhh.......I doubt it was. :cry:
But here's the thing. I've been able to release my hatred toward the right wing since she died. Why is that? I still abhor them. I will go to my grave believing & shouting out to anyone who will listen that their world view is wrong & not conducive to a healthy human collective. But, they no longer have 'one of my own' in their captive & it is different. I am more reasonable toward their ridiculous assaults, their crazy rants against reason, against logic, against common sense. I think I am a better advocate, not being personally tied to the opposition.
Does that make sense?
Veg DUers, you are my online community. I may not post here often, but I love you guys & everything we stand for!
Long live the Sea Shepherd.