If my voice is being heard too much in this discussion, please let me know.
I like the ideas so far:
What is vegetarian?
What is vegan? (That one might be a little tough--people seem to prefer to think in black & white and look at this as a rigid checklist instead of a larger lifestyle/series of boundary-setting individual decisions.)
What are the environmental concerns/consequences that result from a western-style meat-based diet?
Is a vegan diet healthy? (We could link to Elad's
post or ask him to repost it.)
What else? How about:
"Veg*n diets cause the deaths of untold millions of small animals and insects during the harvesting of vegetables."
"Humans evolved to eat meat."
"Is breast milk and/or oral sex vegan?" (We might get shut down on that one--it could certainly be seen as inappropriate by some.)
"Why does all veg*n food have to be fake versions of real food?"
"Plants feel pain, too, carrot-killer!"
"Veg*n food doesn't taste good/doesn't fill me up." This, too, might be a hard one. A lot of folks won't understand that tastes and preferences actually change during the process.
"If we all went veg*n, what would happen to all of those cows/sheep/chickens/etc? We can't just turn them loose--they're domesticated!"
"Veg*n food is SO expensive!"
"What do you EAT?"
"Wow, isn't that hard to make that kind of commitment? Don't you want to eat meat?" (This might be hard to work through for some people. Realistically, for most of us, there's a point at which we just don't see meat as food, so no, we probably don't miss it. I just don't think about it and I can't imagine eating it, so it's not a big deal and there's no sense of deprivation. At the same time, my position here comes from my own viewpoint (21 years veg*n) and a discussion with my husband (12 years O-L vegetarian), so that might be less universal than I perceive it to be.
I know that there are more, but that's what I've got off the top of my head.