Dogs rescued from 'puppy mill' available for adoption (with video)About 40 small dogs seized from an Avra Valley home are available for adoption, a Humane Society spokeswoman said Thursday morning.
In all 752 dogs, mostly chihuahuas, were taken from what officials called a “puppy mill” in the 12200 block of West Manville Road.
The ones available for adoption today were seized on Monday, said Jenny Rose, a spokeswoman for the Humane Society of Southern Arizona. About 400 to 500 of the dogs are being housed at the Humane Society’s Companions for Life Center at 3465 E. Kleindale Road, because it’s shelter on North Kelvin Boulevard is full.
Caring for a dog usually costs the Humane Society about $200 until it gets adopted, Rose said. But she estimated the cost of the chihuahuas to be much higher because of the medical attention each dog required and the overtime costs for employees looking after the animals.
More If you'd like to contribute a little something to the Southern Arizona Humane Society to help them cope with this crisis, here's their web site:
Humane Society of Southern Arizona