Link: are fortunate here in Seattle that Bob Linden's show is now carried every Saturday at 8:00 AM on AM1090 KTPK in Seattle. love his take no prisoners approach to so many issues.
You can listen to AM1090 online or download the show from the show's website.
Gotta love a show with a name like that. My profile was inspired by the positive exhortation which we employed in our local animal rights activism in Seattle, and also employed by the Farm Sanctuary folks.
Really great show this week as he talked about Dr. McDougall's recent article about Pres. Bill Clinton's madness. You can find info. about that at McDougall's latest newsletter: title is "Bill Clinton’s Madness: A Consequence of Heart-Bypass Surgery Brain Damage, We Need to Understand and Show Some Compassion"
(Everyone should sign up for McDougall's newsletter, by the way. Just about the very best health & wellness information on the planet!)
Linden did a great job pointing out the corruption of the FDA & USDA with Monstanto toadies during the Clinton years and since. More info. on the corruption can be found at
I'm truly sorry man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union. -- Robert Burns (1750-1796) To a Mouse