Helena, Ark. -
Faced with continuing problems at the city street department shop at the temporary shelters where captured animals are housed, Helena-West Helena Mayor James Valley Wednesday ordered all but three animals contained in kennels released into the St. Francis National Forest.
The city does not plan to house any more animals at the facilities.
“In the mean time, we are (in the process of) or have released all but a few our those animals heretofore housed at the sanitation shop. We fed and watered them and took them to the St. Francis National Forest and released them to freedom. We are disassembling the pens or fences and will not any longer house or keep any of these animals,” stated a press release issued via email by Valley.
Two puppies and one adult dog with mange was picked-up by the Humane Society from the city confined area.
“This problem is dogging us and taking away from our ability to focus on the greater good for the community as a whole. One of our animal control officers has been to the hospital three times in as many months. Twice for bites and once for a severely sprained ankle growing out of incidents with these animals,” said Valley in the e-mail.
Valley said that in the future, when the city receives a complaint about a stray, the city would capture the animal and then release them “away from the complaining person.”